Elders, Poke and Yarrow

Some nicer pictures of the American elder and its clusters of white flowers.

Shrubbery of the American elder tree.

Shrubbery of the American elder tree.

Elder leaves are compound with 5-7 leaflets.

Elder leaves are compound with 5-7 leaflets.

Closeup of an elder flower cluster.

Closeup of an elder flower cluster.

Clusters of elderberry flowers.

Clusters of elderberry flowers.

Here’s a nice grouping of the whorled loosestrife along the lane.

Several whorled loosestrife along the lane.

Several whorled loosestrife along the lane.

I’ve never eaten Poke, but people say it’s good greens — but only when young shoots are collected in early Spring. The mature leaves, roots and stems are poisonous. Pokeweed, Phytolacca americana, is quite noticeable as it has huge leaves!

Huge leaves of pokeweed.
Pokeweed has huge leaves!

Pokeweed has huge leaves!

Poke flowers appear to have white petals, but those are actually the sepals. When the fruit ripens the cluster of shiny, purple-black berries hangs downward.

Tiny white flowers for a very large plant.

Tiny white flowers for a very large plant.

Another flowering plant we found along the lane is yarrow, Achillea millefolium, a member of the composite family, Compositae. The flowers appear in flat, tight clusters and are usually white and sometimes pink.

A couple yarrow plants alongside the lane.

A couple yarrow plants alongside the lane.

Yarrow, a perennial, is distinguished from other similar-looking flowers by its greenery. The narrow leaves are finely divided and remind one of a fern. Yarrow leaves are aromatic, too.

Narrow leaves with many divisions help to identify yarrow.

Narrow leaves with many divisions help to identify yarrow.

An interesting note about yarrow is that its use in folk medicine has been substantiated by the fact that over 100 biologically active compounds have been found in yarrow. A tea made from dried flowering yarrow is used for many maladies, including colds, fever, gastric upset, and internal bleeding. A poultice made from fresh leaves is styptic – used to stop bleeding. Indeed, legend has it that Achilles used a poultice of yarrow leaves to stop the bleeding of his soldiers’ wounds, thus the generic name Achillea. Caution: Do not use yarrow in any form if you are unsure of its identification as other similar plants are deadly poisonous, such as Fool’s Parsley and Poison Hemlock.

The tomatoes are in bloom in the vegetable garden, and the foxglove, statice, rudbeckia, tiger lilies and lamb’s ear are blooming, too.

Tiger lilies blooming in the flower beds.

Tiger lilies blooming in the flower beds.

Bright pink flowers of lamb's ear.
Bright pink flowers of lamb’s ear.

Elders and Poison Ivy in Flower

This time of year we are seeing the raspberries beginning to appear as little green knobby buds. At about the time they should be ripening up, the elderberries shouldn’t be far behind. The American elder, Sambucus canadensis, grows with many shoots arising out of the ground. The elders here are growing along the lane up to the house and along the farmer’s road. As a matter of fact the first post I made here back in February was about the first green growth I saw in late Winter on the farmer’s lane. I reported that it was possibly a sassafras tree, but now have confirmation that it is an elder tree. The shoots that sprang up this year are 10-15 feet tall.

Elder trees grow from many shoots.

Elder trees grow from many shoots.

The elder leaves are compound, opposite leaves consisting of 5-7 leaflets about 3-4 inches long and sharply toothed. The small white flowers are now starting to come out of their buds and are arranged in large, roundish or flat-topped clusters about 6-7 inches across.

Elder flowers in bud.
Elder flowers in bud.
Elder flowers soon to be elderberries!
Elder flowers soon to be elderberries!

My purpose today was to chop down a large poison ivy vine but first I had to photograph the flowers. I want it gone more than I want to see the resulting ivyberries, especially since I think I’ll be back here to pick some elderberries. Here’s the typical leaves of three, so let them be! Notice the small, white five-petaled flowers arising from the leaf axils in small stalks.

Three leaves and flowers of poison ivy.

Three leaves and flowers of poison ivy.

Another flowering plant that I noticed along the lane was the whorled loosestrife, Lysimachia quadrifolia, a member of the Primrose family, Primulaceae. The yellow, five-petaled flowers project from the leaf axils and lay over each leaf in a whorl on the main stem. Each whorl has typically four leaves and flowers, but I have seen a few plants with five each. This small perennial grows to 1-3 feet tall.

Whorled loosestrife whorls. How symmetrical!
Whorled loosestrife whorls. How symmetrical!
Loosestrife whorled flowers.
Loosestrife whorled flowers.

Box Huckleberry and Mountain Laurel

A day trip to the Hoverter and Sholl Box Huckleberry Natural Area in the Tuscarora State Forest was a delight for this first-time visit. Access is about a half-mile down Huckleberry Road from Route 34, just south of New Bloomfield, Perry County, Pennsylvania.

Hoverter and Sholl Box Huckleberry Natural Area in the Tuscarora State Forest, Perry County, Pennsylvania.
Hoverter and Sholl Box Huckleberry Natural Area in the Tuscarora State Forest, Perry County, Pennsylvania.

Near the entrance path there were several Rattlesnake-Weed plants as noted by their heavy purple-veined leaves at the base of a long flower stalk. At the top of the two feet long stalk are several bright yellow flowers in daisy-like fashion indicating that rattlesnake-weed, Hieracium venosum, is a member of the composite family.

Rattlesnake-weed flowers are held about two feet above the basal rosette of purple-veined leaves.
Rattlesnake-weed flowers are held about two feet above the basal rosette of purple-veined leaves.

We were greeted by a nice display of Mountain Laurel on entering the easy half-mile trail. Mountain Laurel, Kalmia latifolia, is an evergreen shrub or small tree having large oval leaves that remind one of a rhododendron and is a member of the heath family.

Mountain laurel blossoms vary from nearly all white to pink. Each stamen appeared to be placed in a pocket of the blossom where some maroon color was transferred from the anther to the petals producing a deep red spot on the blossom. A most unusual flower!

Some Mountain Laurel flowers have spots of deep red color transferred from the anthers.
Some Mountain Laurel flowers have spots of deep red color transferred from the anthers.
Other Mountain Laurel flowers are almost all white.
Some blossoms are nearly all white.
Other Mountain Laurel flowers are almost all white.

Check out these buds waiting to open – they look like beautiful dremel tool tips! Each has ten stamens wrapped inside the 10-parted flower.

The rear of the Mountain Laurel flower has a unique shape.

The rear of the Mountain Laurel flower has a unique shape.

The Box Huckleberry is also a member of the heath family and is a low-growing evergreen shrub. The leaves are about an inch long, oval in shape and have a glossy, leathery appearance, much like the boxwood that it is named after.

The Box Huckleberry has evergreen, leathery leaves and blue fruit.

The Box Huckleberry has evergreen, leathery leaves and blue fruit.

Huckleberries can be mistaken for blueberries as their flowers and fruit are similar in appearance. The blossoms are white and bell-shaped. The box huckleberry fruit is small and contains several large seeds that make the fruit undesirable, except by grouse, turkey, and other wild creatures.

The blossom of the Box Huckleberry reminds one of blueberry blossoms, a close relative.

The blossom of the Box Huckleberry reminds one of blueberry blossoms, a close relative.

An interesting feature of this box huckleberry is that it is a single plant approximately 1,300 years old! The plant grows via rhizomes at a rate of only six inches per year. The size of the plant tells its age. A separate plant in the next county was estimated to be 13,000 years old – easily the oldest organism on the planet! Unfortunately, most of that large box huckleberry was destroyed in a road-building project for Route 22/322. Remnants of the original plant are said to be located on private property.

Part of the Box Huckleberry colony in the Tuscarora State Forest in Pennsylvania.

Part of the Box Huckleberry colony in the Tuscarora State Forest in Pennsylvania.

Box huckleberry is an endangered species that can only be found in 9 US states, with a most recent find of a new box huckleberry plant in the mountains of North Carolina.

As a matter of fact the Hoverter and Sholl Box Huckleberry Natural Area is designated as a natural landmark.

Natural Area Register Plaque on Monolith

Natural Landmark Register Plaque on Monolith

This little piece of land was set aside to protect the rare Box Huckleberry in 1967!

Striped Wintergreen

Striped Wintergreen, Chimaphila maculata, also known as Spotted Pipsissewa, is a member of the pyrola family. A perennial that attains 4-10 inches in height, spotted wintergreen can be found in colonies among the leaf litter any time of the year. The buds are relatively long-lasting and produce a nodding flower in the summertime.

The white midribs of the whorled leaves of Striped Wintergreen make it a distinctive plant.
The white midribs of the whorled leaves of Striped Wintergreen make it a distinctive plant.
Sometime in July look for pictures of the blooming flowers.

Spiderwort, Partridgeberry and Tree Club Moss

Spiderwort blooms are quite attractive with the contrast of the yellow stamens and bright purple petals. Alas, they are only open in the morning and close by the afternoon.

Spiderwort flowers have three bright purple triangular petals and six bright yellow stamens.
Spiderwort flowers have three bright purple triangular petals and six bright yellow stamens.

Growth habit of the spiderwort plant shows the long parallel-veined leaves almost folded in half which is supposed to look somewhat like spider legs for which it is named. Personally, I don’t see it.

Even though the spiderwort plant has bent leaves it gets to be about three feet tall.
Even though the spiderwort plant has bent leaves it gets to be about three feet tall.

Partridgeberry is found along some of the trails and in open areas of the woods. The leaves are evergreen and can be found under the leaf litter all throughout the year. The new growth of opposite leaves are a lighter green color than the established leaves. Partridgeberry, Mitchella repens, is also known as Squaw Vine because it was used by Native Americans for female reproductive problems.

Partridgeberry along a trail in the woodlands of Pennsylvania.
Partridgeberry along a trail in the woodlands of Pennsylvania.
Some red partridgeberries are left over from last autumn on the same plant that is almost in flower.
Some red partridgeberries are left over from last autumn on the same plant that is almost in flower.

Twin flowers of partridgeberry are hairy in appearance, a characteristic that is helpful in identification.

Hairy partridgeberry blossoms.
Hairy partridgeberry blossoms.

Partridgeberry also grows among the Tree Club Moss, Lycopodium obscurum, also called Ground Pine as it looks like a miniature pine tree only about 10 inches tall. The tree club moss spreads via underground runners and so may also be called Running Pines.

Tree Club Moss showing light green new growth.
Tree Club Moss showing light green new growth.
Partridgeberry growing among the Tree Club Mosses.
Partridgeberry growing among the Tree Club Mosses.
The miniature shiny evergreen trees are a delight to see on the path.

Spiderwort, Speedwell and Sorrel

Violet Wood Sorrel, Oxalis violacea, is blooming profusely now with several flowers on each stalk. The dark pink flowers rise above and contrast nicely with the light green, heart-shaped compound leaves. I was happy to see this plant bloom again this year as I transplanted it from North Carolina last year. We seem to only have the Yellow Wood Sorrel, Oxalis europaea, in my area of Pennsylvania. You might be familiar with Yellow Wood Sorrel by the name of Sour Grass. The leaves and fruit capsule taste sour due to the presence of oxalic acid.

Violet Wood Sorrel blooming in pink.

Violet Wood Sorrel blooming in pink.

It’s nice living in the mountains in a rural area. Since we are not in a housing development created by completely raping the land of all its beauty and uniqueness, we are privy to parts of nature that many people don’t see. We get the neatest volunteers!

Daisy Fleabane appearing naturally at edge of a flower garden.

Daisy Fleabane appearing naturally at edge of a flower garden.

The daisy fleabane is past its prime, but you can still see many smilin' faces!

The daisy fleabane is past its prime, but you can still see many smilin’ faces!

OK, so peach trees aren’t exactly wild herbs, but I wanted to show off the quarter-sized fruits! If the dog or some other wild thing harvests the peaches before we can, I’ll be mad. Never ate my own homegrown peach before!

Fuzzy young peaches in the backyard.

Fuzzy young peaches in the backyard.

A wildflower that I really noticed today was the Thyme-leaved Speedwell, Veronica serpyllifolia, a member of the Snapdragon family. A low-growing plant that snakes through the lawn, thyme-leaved speedwell has four light blue petals with dark purple lines running the length of the petal and two long stamens that are quite noticeable. The flowers are clustered at the tops of erect stems in snapdragon-like fashion.

Thyme-leaved speedwell forms mats in many grassy lawns.
Thyme-leaved speedwell forms mats in many grassy lawns.

Flower spike of thyme-leaved speedwell.

Flower spike of thyme-leaved speedwell.

Without really trying we created a purple theme in our flower gardens this year. Part of the mix includes an outstanding Calibrachoa hybrid “Superbells’ Blue” and the native Spiderwort, Tradescantia virginiana.

Superbell's Blue hybrid Calibrachoa.

Superbell’s Blue hybrid Calibrachoa.

The Spiderwort flowers are only open in the morning. By the afternoon the petals have wilted into a gelatinous mass.

Spiderwort flowers closed by the afternoon.

Spiderwort flowers closed by the afternoon.

Stayed tuned for photos of open Spiderwort blooms!

Soloman’s Seal Smooth and False

This time of year the mint has filled an entire wall of the stone house, the returning lavender is getting ready to open its purple blooms, and the oregano has greened up nicely. The lettuce is just coming up in the garden, while the lilies are sending out their flower heads. The pink oxalis, which is a transplant from North Carolina, is blooming and so is our locally found yellow oxalis. In sunny places in the yard the sheep sorrel is blooming, too.

In the woods near trails or somewhat open areas where light is getting to the forest floor, Smooth Soloman’s Seal and False Soloman’s Seal are in bloom. Both Soloman Seals have a single arching stem with large, parallel-veined, stalkless leaves. These members of the Lily family differ in the placement and shape of their blooms.

False Soloman's Seal volunteered next to this oak tree in the backyard.

False Soloman’s Seal volunteered next to this oak tree in the backyard.

Smooth Soloman’s Seal, Polygonatum biflorum, has one or two greenish-white to yellow, bell-shaped flowers about a half-inch long that hang from the leaf axils. False Soloman’s Seal, Smilacina racemosa, blooms are creamy white and appear in a cluster at the end of the stem.
False Soloman's Seal is in the foreground here and the smaller Smooth Soloman's Seal is in the background.

False Soloman’s Seal is in the foreground here and the smaller Smooth Soloman’s Seal is in the background.

False Soloman's Seal with its cluster of flowers at the end of the stem.

False Soloman’s Seal with its cluster of flowers at the end of the stem.

False Soloman's Seal creamy white cluster of flowers.

False Soloman’s Seal creamy white cluster of flowers.

Smooth Soloman's Seal with its hanging blooms.

Smooth Soloman’s Seal with its dangling blooms.

Hanging blossoms of Smooth Soloman's Seal.

Hanging blossoms of Smooth Soloman’s Seal.

This week we’ve seen the Swallowtail Butterflies flitting about the place. They seem to like hanging around the higher tree branches.

Swallowtail butterfly resting on a sassafras leaf.

Swallowtail butterfly resting on a sassafras leaf.

The woodland herbs are growing up and this week I spotted goldenseal, rattlesnake plantain and wild yam greenery, although it is too early now for their flowers. The pink lady slipper blossoms developed into a bright pink and now the blossoms are starting to dry up as noted by the brownish tinge at the bottom of the blossoms.

Two pink lady slippers blooming brightly.

Two pink lady slippers blooming brightly.

A waning pink lady slipper as noted by the tinge of brown on the blossom.

A waning pink lady slipper as noted by the tinge of brown on the blossom.

Fuzzy pink lady slipper.

Fuzzy pink lady slipper.

In some places the Maple-Leaved Viburnum is in bloom and in other places the blooms are just about ready to open. The flat cluster of blooms appears at the top of the stem above a pair of leaves that remind one of maple leaves for which it is named. The flowers vary from white to light pink and will develop into black berries that sometimes last through the winter. The maple-leaved viburnum seems to be a rather opportunistic plant in that it comes back rather quickly after cutting it back, probably by underground runners. The viburnum will bloom when the plant is only a foot tall or when it is four feet tall.

MAple-leaved viburnum ready to open its light pink flowers.

Maple-leaved viburnum ready to open its light pink flowers.

The Deerberry shrubs are showing their white, down-turned blossoms with protruding stamens, which may remind one of blueberries or huckleberries as the deerberry, Vaccinium stamineum, is a member of the Heath family. The small oval-shaped leaves are pale underneath.

Deerberry blossoms hanging from the leaf axils.

Deerberry blossoms hanging from the leaf axils.

Deerberry blossoms with their protruding stamens.

Deerberry blossoms with their protruding stamens.

Brambles and raspberries are blooming profusely this week everywhere in the woods and especially along the lane or opened areas in the woods. The brambles have a way of opening the lowest blossoms in the group first, followed by others on up the stem.

Brambles opening up their crinkley blossoms.

Brambles opening up their crinkley blossoms.

Brambles blooming in the woodlands.

Brambles blooming in the woodlands.

The Partridgeberry is developing its twin flowers which are in bud.

Partridgeberry twin flowers are in bud now.

Partridgeberry twin flowers are in bud now.

I’ll look forward to the partridgeberry blooms opening as their delicate scent is terrific!

Pine Bush Sands and Native Lupines

About a half day’s drive northeast from here one would expect the flora to be somewhat behind in blooming. I observed several Spring ephemerals in bloom near Albany, NY whereas the same flowers were past blooming in my neck of the woods in Southcentral Pennsylvania. Here, in NY, periwinkle and common violets are blooming profusely at the edge of some juniper bushes. A beautiful red trillium is a great example of this longitudinal blooming shift.

Red trillium still in bloom in New York.

Red trillium still in bloom in New York.

Skunk cabbage leaves are already quite large, but Mayapples have not opened their blossoms yet in NY.

Mayapple flower buds are not yet open in NY.

Mayapple flower buds are not yet open in NY.

Skunk cabbage near the Kaikout Kill, Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Albany County, NY.

Skunk cabbage near the Kaikout Kill, Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Albany County, NY.

Honeysuckle blossoms are here, but not yet offering their sweet scent.

Honeysuckle blossoms are here, but not yet offering their sweet scent.

Northern downy violets are still in bloom in NY, but have all disappeared in PA.
Taking a hike along the Red Trail in Albany Pine Bush Preserve, I spotted an orchid that was not yet in full bloom. The pink lady’s slipper in NY will be blooming in about a week’s time while these orchids are at peak blooming color in PA.

Pink Lady's Slipper a week before it is to bloom.

Pink Lady’s Slipper a week before it is to bloom.

Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Albany County, New York.

Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Albany County, New York.

The Pine Bush is described as a “forever green” area that is protected from further development. It encompasses a unique habitat which is home to the endangered Karner Blue Butterfly and 50 other imperiled species. The Karner Blue Butterfly lays its eggs on the Wild Lupine, Lupinus perennis, and the caterpillar depends on the native wild lupine for its only food source. Protecting the habitat of the wild lupine then protects the Karner Blue Butterfly and other endangered butterflies.

Wild lupine is the only native lupine in New York State.

Wild lupine is the only native lupine in New York State.

Wild lupines are necessary for the survival of the endangered Karner Blue Butterfly.Wild lupines are necessary for the survival of the endangered Karner Blue Butterfly.

Wild lupines are necessary for the survival of the endangered Karner Blue Butterfly.

The soil of Pine Bush is unbelievably sandy. The land is basically a bunch of sand dunes in what is called a “pine barrens”. The pine barrens of the Northeast US are rapidly becoming fragmented to the point of no return. Read more about the Albany Pine Bush Preserve to learn more about this special habitat and its inhabitants.

One inhabitant I saw evidence of its having been there, but did not actually see the bird, was a pileated woodpecker. The telltale sign was a rotten tree having big pieces chiseled out and strewn some feet from the tree. The bill on this woodpecker is quite large and so it can drill out large holes in trees in search of a meal. My boot is in the bottom of the picture for a size reference. The wood splinters are as big as my index finger!

Large wood splinters are signs that a pileated woodpecker lives in the forest.

Large wood splinters are signs that a pileated woodpecker lives in the forest.