This past week we saw more signs of Spring. A few other trees showed interest in starting their spring growth by breaking open their buds, namely the stone fruits, peach and cherry. Hawthorns and dogwoods are also starting to open their buds.
Even though Spring is continuing on its march toward warmer weather, a dip in the jet stream is causing a bit of confusion.
We are in the midst of an historic April snow storm! Folks in the mountainous areas of New York and Pennsylvania are expecting a foot or more of the heavy white stuff.
Elsewhere, in the northeastern U.S. many people should be watching nearby creeks and streams for flooding. This storm is a really big one and has brought a couple inches of rain to quite a few major cities already and it’s only half over.
As the old saying goes, “April showers bring May flowers!”
North of the Catskill Mountains in eastern New York the Spring bulbs are awakening but not yet flowering. Crocuses, daffodils and tulips are coming out of the ground, but now have their greenery hidden under the snow.
Spring here has been rather tumultuous. The Snow Drops (Galanthus nivalis) have now experienced five different snow events. Usually a single snow fall will cover those cute little blooms and this year they are showing themselves to be quite hardy!

Yesterday, the hanging blossoms were opened wide after a couple days of snowy weather and now, again, they are closed and tucked under the snow.
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