Black Berries of Maple-leaved Viburnum

Maple-leaved viburnum is sporting its berries now, too. The black viburnum berries may be a good food source for the birds that stay around during the winter, although I have seen in year’s past that some of the berries last through the winter.

Maple-leaved viburnum provides berries in the oak forest.

Maple-leaved viburnum provides berries in the oak forest.

Black berries of Maple-Leaved Viburnum.

Black berries of Maple-Leaved Viburnum.

Some really pretty purple and white asters that we planted at the wood’s edge are starting to bloom now.

Buzzer visits the pretty white flowers.

Buzzer visits the pretty white flowers.

Pretty purple aster begins blossoming.
Pretty purple aster begins blossoming.

2 thoughts on “Black Berries of Maple-leaved Viburnum”

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    Thanks for the identification.

    Alan Spevak

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