A Field Full of Crimson Clover

Clover is one of those plants that we all learn about growing up. Even if you are an urban dweller chances are high that you’ve seen clover in a yard, field or park. The common white and red clovers are ubiquitous, meaning they occur nearly everywhere in the world. Crimson Clover is native to Europe and introduced in the United States. With over 300 species of clover, there’s bound to be a few in your neighborhood.

Red clover and white clover have been blooming at the roadsides and in fields and yards around here for at least a few weeks. White clover seems to start its flowering before red clover. We most often see red clover in fields and by the roadside. Both will sprout again after being mowed, and they’re highly nutritious crops for livestock.

I always wanted to see some Crimson Clover up close. This year I got my wish as a neighboring farmer planted a whole field of it!

Field full of Crimson Clover.
Field full of Crimson Clover.

The crimson clover field was harvested the week after these photos were taken on 17 May 2010.

Crimson clover as far as the eye can see.
Crimson clover as far as the eye can see.

Crimson clover, Trifolium incarnatum, attains a height of 15-20 inches with a 1-3 inch long crimson head of flowers. Like all clovers the leaves occur in threes and are referred to as trifoliate. Note the genus name, Trifolium.

Trifoliate leaves and red heads of crimson clover.
Trifoliate leaves and red heads of crimson clover.
Crimson and clover, over and over!
Crimson and clover, over and over!
17 May 2010

..red clover in field

Clover is one of those plants that we all learn about growing up. Even if

you are an urban dweller, chances are high that you’ve seen clover in a

yard, field or park. The common white and red clovers are ubiquitous,

meaning they occur nearly everywhere in the world. With over 300 species of

clover, there’s bound to be a few in your neighborhood.

Red clover and white clover have been blooming at the roadsides and in

fields and yards around here for at least a few weeks. White clover seems

to start its flowering before red clover. We most often see red clover in

fields and by the roadside. Both will sprout again after being mowed, and

they’re highly nutritious crops for livestock.


I always wanted to see some Crimson Clover up close. This year I got my

wish as a neighboring farmer planted a whole field of it!


The crimson clover field was harvested the week after the photos below were

taken on 17 May 2010.


Crimson clover, Trifolium incarnatum, attains a height of 15-20 inches with

a 1-3 inch long crimson head of flowers. Like all clovers the leaves occur

in threes and are referred to as trifoliate. Note the genus name,



Trifoliate leaves and red heads of crimson clover.


Crimson and clover, over and over!


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