Striped Wintergreen, Chimaphila maculata, also known as Spotted Pipsissewa, is a member of the pyrola family. A perennial that attains 4-10 inches in height, spotted wintergreen can be found in colonies among the leaf litter any time of the year. The buds are relatively long-lasting and produce a nodding flower in the summertime.
The white midribs of the whorled leaves of Striped Wintergreen make it a distinctive plant.
Sometime in July look for pictures of the blooming flowers.
yo bro deep stuff thanks 4 sharin bro
yo i love dis weed
darius – i love this weed too!
I saw this in Shark River park in NJ in early summer this year. I knew of wintergreen but not this kind! Thanks.
Hey Andrew,
I’m wondering if you got to see the Striped Wintergreen blooming since you were there in the summer. It’s a unique looking little plant, isn’t it?
Thanks for letting us know!