Spring Beauty Still Flowering in Woodlands

Where you see one Spring Beauty in flower there are bound to be many others in bloom at the same time. Spring beauties bloom for a couple of weeks and en masse.

Spring Beauty Blooming with Violets and Dandelions
Spring Beauty Blooming with Violets and Dandelions

The small plant showing off these dainty little flowers is called Spring Beauty, known also as Claytonia virginica.

The blooms range from pure white to white with dark pink veins. These little white flowers are almost the size of a violet

and smaller than a dandelion.

Spring Beauty Flower With Pink Anthers
Spring Beauty Flower With Pink Anthers

Who says pink isn’t a “natural” color? Check out the hot pink anthers at the stamen tips of this simple spring-blooming woodland flower!

Spring Beauty can be found in clusters in woodlands where sunlight breaks through the tree canopy and at the edges of the forest habitat.

Spring Beauty Lives Among the Troutlily
Spring Beauty Lives Among the Troutlily

Co-inhabitants include trout lily, bloodroot, cut-leaved toothwort, common blue violets and dandelions.

Linear or strap-like leaves are often hidden among the oak leaves on the forest floor or among the leaves of other spring-flowering plants.

Spring Beauty Plant with Linear Leaves
Spring Beauty Plant with Linear Leaves

These dainty and beautiful little flowers of Spring woodlands might be seen for another week or so, but after that you’ll have to wait until next Spring to see them.

Spring Beauty Flowers
Spring Beauty Flowers

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