Welcome back to Flower Poetry Fridays with Mrs. Sigourney. Each Friday a new poem will be posted from her The Voice Of Flowers.
TRANSPLANTED FLOWERS. Greenhouse Flowers Await Transplanting
THERE’S many a flower that proudly springs
Amid the gaudy world’s parterre,
Caress’d by Fashion’s painted wings,
To Folly dear.
Whose flaunting petals woo the sun,
Heedless of Beauty’s transient lot,
But wither ere the day is done,
Unwept, forgot.
Yet some there are that bloom apart,
With meekly consecrated charm,
Whose gifts of fragrance cheer the heart
Like healing balm.
O’er the blest spot, where erst they grew,
The eye of Love its tears shall shed,
And Pain and Penury bedew
Their funeral bed.
But, neath an everlasting beam
They smile, where no dark cloud descends ;
Theirs was that hallow’d incense stream,
Which heavenward tends.
Unfading, lo ! they live, they bloom—
Transplanted by His culturing hand,
Who bade them seek beyond the tomb
A better land.
This poem seems totally religious with its comparison of the proud, pretty flowers and the meek, charming ones to non-believers and believers, alike.
Gaudy flowers adorn the formal gardens for all to see and walk among. They live a proud, mortal and fleeting life where fashion and image is everything. With no eye toward their ultimate future, their life is folly. Outward beauty doesn’t last, does it?
The transplanted flowers represent believers who look forward to life after this earthly world. They believe in The Everlasting Beam and in a heavenly future for themselves where they will bloom again.
But, there is still something here we can learn about flowers.
I liked this phrase, “gifts of fragrance cheer the heart“. It spells out one of the things that draws me to flowers and that’s their fragrances. It’s so cool to think of a good smelling flower as giving you a gift!
When it comes time to pick out roses for your garden, choose them by scent first.
Above all, take time to smell the roses!
Come back next Friday for the next installment in our series of flower poems from Mrs. Sigourney’s The Voice of Flowers, “Wild Flowers Gathered for a Sick Friend”.