Looking for any blooming weed will have you seeing flowers everywhere. Even in parking lots!
Check out these tiny blue forget-me-nots that were blooming in the rocky parking lot at Little Buffalo State Park, near the swimming pool area. This rugged little plant survives growing up in gravel, being stepped on and driven over. You could say it’s hardy, for sure.

You’ll only see this little plant if
you’re bending down to tie your shoe laces or picking up your dropped car key. It’s that small. The whole plant may be only a couple of inches tall. This blooming forget-me-not was only 1 1/2 inches tall.

This miniature forget-me-not goes by a couple of names, like Strict Forget-Me-Not, Blue Scorpion-grass, Stiff Forget-me-not, and scientifically, Myosotis stricta. It’s a member of the Borage family, Boraginaceae, and native to Europe.

The blossom hardly measures 2 mm across, but its baby blue color is striking and draws one’s attention. At least it did mine!