Maple Flowers Make the Hills Red

Our trees have been bare of leaves for months, but Spring is slowing bringing them awake. Tiny green and yellow buds are swelling as the juices from deep in the roots rush up to the branches.

Maple syrup time is at an end when the leaf buds break open. This week, the third week in April for 2014, has ushered in the end of collecting this sweet nectar.

We can see the maple trees awakening from far away and close up. From a distance the hills have a cast of red to them. Up close the blossoms show their brilliant colors of red and yellow.

Mountain ridges are turning red with the opening of maple flowers.
Mountain ridges are turning red with the opening of maple flowers.

Looking up through the trees one can see the open flowers.
Looking up through the trees one can see the open flowers.

Stems of the maple tree look red.
Stems of the maple tree look red.

Flowers of maple trees open up before the leaves appear.
Closeup we can see that the flowers of maple trees open up before the leaves appear.

Got pollen? Some of your sneezes and running noses may be due to these early awakening maple trees. Maple trees are some of the first trees to flower and when they do it en masse the pollen numbers in the air skyrocket.

Pretty Maple Flowers in Bloom
Pretty Maple Flowers in Bloom