It’s been real hot around here lately. The last couple days have been lettuce-bolting days and the nights have been sticky. Bringing in the morning air – that’s our mountain air conditioning – started at 72 degrees at the crack of dawn today. I hear a siesta coming after lunch…!
In and around the vegetable and flower gardens we have lots of flowers blooming:
- purple cone flowers*
- marigolds*
- yarrow*
- catnip*
- foxglove
- nasturium
- rudbeckia
- cosmos
- geraniums
- portulaca*
- fennel
- cilantro*
- petunias
- pansies
- impatiens
- spiderflowers*
- sunflowers*
- orange tiger lilies
- rose campion*
- hawkweed
- begonias
- comfrey
- thimbleweed
- bee balm
- goldenrod
- evening primrose
- poke
- touch-me-not
- asiatic day lily
- lopseed
- anise hyssop*
- oregano*
- zinnias
- lettuce*
- zucchini
- tomatoes
- peppers
- cucumbers
- ground cherries
- watermelons
- oxeye daisy
- fleabane
- dill*
Not too many wild herbs on my summer list, but there are a few we can visit in another post! Pictures to come!
*Marks the happy re-seeders! All we have to do is transplant them where we want the volunteers to grow, or put them in a recycled pot to give to a friend or neighbor.